Yogi Clothing, comfortable and stylish clothes for the active woman #Giveaway

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When I am at home with my kids I like to be comfortable but still look good when my husband comes home from work. stylish and sexy clothing can sometimes be uncomfortable to wear and allot of active wear just looks plain and ugly.  When I learned about Yogi clothing and took a look at their website I was excited to learn that there is a line of women’s casual and active wear that is both stylish and comfortable.

Yogi clothing is a small company started in 2003.  They specialize in yoga pants, active wear and casual wear for women.  Yogi clothing believes that that anything is achievable with a positive mental attitude.This is a philosophy that I admire. They, “believe in the power of imagination, and utilizing positive energy to achieve goals whether they be physical, spiritual, or psychological, our company philosophy embodies the power and mind set of the most disciplined yogi’s and maintains the attitude of enlightenment through achievements and encouragement.” (yogiclothing.com)

Yogi carries a wide selection of clothing for the active woman. They have comfortable tops, beautiful skirts, a wide selection of yoga pants, sports bras, outerwear, and casual dresses. Yogi clothing is soft, comfortable and looks good on me. Yogi clothing always has specials and coupons and you can get free shipping on orders over $99.

For more information about Yogi clothing visit YogiClothing.com. You can also find Yogi on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Pinterest. For now, I’m interested in maxi dresses, so if you have any suggestions, please let me know!

*Disclosure: I received  a pair of yoga pants and top from Yogi clothing in exchange for this review.  All opinions are accurate and 100% mine.

One healthy moms magazine reader  can win a pair of  Yogi yoga pants. All you need to do is follow Yogi clothing on Twitter, Tumblr and Facebook. then leave us a comment with your size. You can chose from x-small, small, medium, large and x-large.

This contest is open to us residents 18+ and ends on Feb 18, 2013 at 8am PST

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For every entry including extra entries please leave a separate comment. Winners will be chosen randomly from the comments and e mails that I receive. The contest ends on Feb 18, 2013  at 8am PST and is open to anyone in the us 18+. Please leave your e mail address in your comments. All comments without e mail addresses will be disqualified.

Cascia Talbert je zaneprázdnený bloger, vydavateľ, spisovateľ na voľnej nohe, online obchodník a matka piatich detí, žijúcich na severozápadnom Pacifiku. S B.A. V histórii a práve a vášeň pre písanie a zostať zdravé založila časopis zdravých mamičiek v roku 2007. Časopis zdravých mamičiek je v súčasnosti zaradený do špičkového blogu o zdraví pre mamičky a obsahuje niekoľko spisovateľov odborníkov v oblasti zdravia a blogerov mamičky. Pani Talbert verí, že ak sú matky dobre vzdelané v zdravotných problémoch a ako zostať zdravé, môžu tieto informácie odovzdať svojim deťom a zvrátiť štatistiku detskej obezity v USA

Pani Talbert je uvedeným zdravotníckym blogerom na wellSphere.com a jej články nájdete aj na stránke ezineArticles.com. She also runs the healthy moms social network on Ning, is the chief marketing officer for Talbert Nutrition LLC,  and is on the social media Advisory Board for America’s wellness Challenge. follow her on Google+.

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Link to this post: Jogi oblečenie, pohodlné a štýlové oblečenie pre aktívnu ženu #giveaway


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